title="Wordle: state of the union">
alt="Wordle: state of the union"
style="padding:4px;border:1px solid #ddd">
Jobs: This is improtant because many people in America are lacking a job and the inancial security of which it provides.
Together: This word stood out to me because i feel it is very important to stay together during hard times.
Economy: The economy is in crisis and it is of dire importance that we discuss the problem and the means to which we can improve.
Technology: The key to our future lies in the acceleration of technology.
Education: America is no longer the top dog when it comes to education. We need to focus more on it.
Giffords: This tragedy is a very important topic because it shows how the Democrats and Republicans need to work together.
Believe: We need to believe in America in order for it to be successful.
Tucsan: The tragedy at Tucsan was important because it showed how in true hardship, America can come together to solve a problem.
Family: I found this word to be rather touching because America must work together like a family to have success.
Hope: Hope is an important aspect to have when rebuilding a nation.
Challenge: It is going to be very difficult to rebuild America to be as great as it can be.
Recession: Because of the recession, America must come together to get back on top.
Dream: America is full of dreamers and that is why it is the best country in the world.
Responsibility: Responsibility is an important factor in rebuilding a country.
Opportunity: We live in the country of opportunity and that was stressed all throughout the speech.
Progress: America is showing quite a bit of progress, but we need to show even more.
Cuts: A lot of Americans were impacted by pay cuts.
More: We must do more, be more, achieve more to obtain success.
Future: We must fix the mistakes of the past to better the future.
Change: America has faced many changes in the past but our willingness to accept change is what makes us strong.
Sacrifice: America must sacrifice in order to be great.
Deficit: America must solve the deficit problem.
China: China has surpassed us in the realms of education and technology.
Innovation: With innovation on our side, America will surpass the nations that are ahead of us.
Imagination: America's future relies on the imagination of it's youth.
Edison: America needs more people like Edison.
Facebook: Facebook has become a network to connect friends and ideas.
Internet: The internet symbolizes the innovation of America.
Sputnik: This is our Sputnik Age.
Budgets: Obama has set budgets for the government to insure that they don't over spend.
Energy: One of the main focuses of America is clean engery.
Reinvent: America is reinventing itself after an economic downfall.
Money: Although Oboma didn't mention the word 'money', the entire speech did revolve around it, in a sense.
Youth: The children of America are going to be the leaders ofthe future so we must give them good educaton.
Diploma: Obama stressed how important it is to have a high school diploma.
Teachers: Without teachers, we would not have many, if not all, of the great people that help build America.
Congress: Congress' effort in sitting together at the State of the Union Address show who they are ready for change.
College: It was stressed through out the speech that college is very important.
Success: America must grow as a Nation in order to have success.
Immigration: Obama wants to stop illegal immigration completely, but almost sympathized with the hard working children of immigrants.
Better: America may be getting better, but it can always be better.
Taxes: Obama constantly went back to the topic of taxes through out the speech.
Debt: America is in quite a bit of debt, but we are working hard to get out of it.
Health Care: Health Care is a big issue in America and Obama pointed this out in a humorous manner.
Fix: Not only did Obama talk about fixing the economy, but he also talked about fixing many other things.
Freeze: Obama froze domestic spending in order to help America get out of debt.
Spending: The government is spending more than it should.
Democrats/ Republicans: Although these were two different words, I feel they should be discussed together. Throughout the speech, Obama talked about how they must work together.
Investments: America must invest in the youth in order to have a better future.
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