In this article, Obama addresses the ational Governors Assn. on what's going on in Wisconsin. He states that it does no good 'when public employees are denigrated or vilified or their rights are infringed upon.' One thing about this article i found very odd was that apparently the Wisconson Assembly's 14 democrats fled to Illinios, making it impossible to have a quorum. That sounds so childish... and annoying. Walker gave them 24 hours to come back. He stated that if his proposals weren't passed, the state would be unable to finance part of its debt, leading to some layoffs.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Why would someone do this?
Okay, so this isnt really an article, but this really caught my attention. Some heartless soul in Long Beach set a living cat on fire. The police are still trying to find who the person was. How could someone do that? Few things irritate me, well thats a lie, and cruelty to animals is definately one of them. I never understood how someone could do that to an animal. I dont know, maybe the cat attacked the person, but that still is no reason to set it on fire! The cat was examined and later euthanized.
Okay, so this isnt really an article, but this really caught my attention. Some heartless soul in Long Beach set a living cat on fire. The police are still trying to find who the person was. How could someone do that? Few things irritate me, well thats a lie, and cruelty to animals is definately one of them. I never understood how someone could do that to an animal. I dont know, maybe the cat attacked the person, but that still is no reason to set it on fire! The cat was examined and later euthanized.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
state of the union wordle
I do not have the snipping tool, so here is the link to my wordle.
title="Wordle: state of the union">
alt="Wordle: state of the union"
style="padding:4px;border:1px solid #ddd">
Jobs: This is improtant because many people in America are lacking a job and the inancial security of which it provides.
Together: This word stood out to me because i feel it is very important to stay together during hard times.
Economy: The economy is in crisis and it is of dire importance that we discuss the problem and the means to which we can improve.
Technology: The key to our future lies in the acceleration of technology.
Education: America is no longer the top dog when it comes to education. We need to focus more on it.
Giffords: This tragedy is a very important topic because it shows how the Democrats and Republicans need to work together.
Believe: We need to believe in America in order for it to be successful.
Tucsan: The tragedy at Tucsan was important because it showed how in true hardship, America can come together to solve a problem.
Family: I found this word to be rather touching because America must work together like a family to have success.
Hope: Hope is an important aspect to have when rebuilding a nation.
Challenge: It is going to be very difficult to rebuild America to be as great as it can be.
Recession: Because of the recession, America must come together to get back on top.
Dream: America is full of dreamers and that is why it is the best country in the world.
Responsibility: Responsibility is an important factor in rebuilding a country.
Opportunity: We live in the country of opportunity and that was stressed all throughout the speech.
Progress: America is showing quite a bit of progress, but we need to show even more.
Cuts: A lot of Americans were impacted by pay cuts.
More: We must do more, be more, achieve more to obtain success.
Future: We must fix the mistakes of the past to better the future.
Change: America has faced many changes in the past but our willingness to accept change is what makes us strong.
Sacrifice: America must sacrifice in order to be great.
Deficit: America must solve the deficit problem.
China: China has surpassed us in the realms of education and technology.
Innovation: With innovation on our side, America will surpass the nations that are ahead of us.
Imagination: America's future relies on the imagination of it's youth.
Edison: America needs more people like Edison.
Facebook: Facebook has become a network to connect friends and ideas.
Internet: The internet symbolizes the innovation of America.
Sputnik: This is our Sputnik Age.
Budgets: Obama has set budgets for the government to insure that they don't over spend.
Energy: One of the main focuses of America is clean engery.
Reinvent: America is reinventing itself after an economic downfall.
Money: Although Oboma didn't mention the word 'money', the entire speech did revolve around it, in a sense.
Youth: The children of America are going to be the leaders ofthe future so we must give them good educaton.
Diploma: Obama stressed how important it is to have a high school diploma.
Teachers: Without teachers, we would not have many, if not all, of the great people that help build America.
Congress: Congress' effort in sitting together at the State of the Union Address show who they are ready for change.
College: It was stressed through out the speech that college is very important.
Success: America must grow as a Nation in order to have success.
Immigration: Obama wants to stop illegal immigration completely, but almost sympathized with the hard working children of immigrants.
Better: America may be getting better, but it can always be better.
Taxes: Obama constantly went back to the topic of taxes through out the speech.
Debt: America is in quite a bit of debt, but we are working hard to get out of it.
Health Care: Health Care is a big issue in America and Obama pointed this out in a humorous manner.
Fix: Not only did Obama talk about fixing the economy, but he also talked about fixing many other things.
Freeze: Obama froze domestic spending in order to help America get out of debt.
Spending: The government is spending more than it should.
Democrats/ Republicans: Although these were two different words, I feel they should be discussed together. Throughout the speech, Obama talked about how they must work together.
Investments: America must invest in the youth in order to have a better future.
title="Wordle: state of the union">
alt="Wordle: state of the union"
style="padding:4px;border:1px solid #ddd">
Jobs: This is improtant because many people in America are lacking a job and the inancial security of which it provides.
Together: This word stood out to me because i feel it is very important to stay together during hard times.
Economy: The economy is in crisis and it is of dire importance that we discuss the problem and the means to which we can improve.
Technology: The key to our future lies in the acceleration of technology.
Education: America is no longer the top dog when it comes to education. We need to focus more on it.
Giffords: This tragedy is a very important topic because it shows how the Democrats and Republicans need to work together.
Believe: We need to believe in America in order for it to be successful.
Tucsan: The tragedy at Tucsan was important because it showed how in true hardship, America can come together to solve a problem.
Family: I found this word to be rather touching because America must work together like a family to have success.
Hope: Hope is an important aspect to have when rebuilding a nation.
Challenge: It is going to be very difficult to rebuild America to be as great as it can be.
Recession: Because of the recession, America must come together to get back on top.
Dream: America is full of dreamers and that is why it is the best country in the world.
Responsibility: Responsibility is an important factor in rebuilding a country.
Opportunity: We live in the country of opportunity and that was stressed all throughout the speech.
Progress: America is showing quite a bit of progress, but we need to show even more.
Cuts: A lot of Americans were impacted by pay cuts.
More: We must do more, be more, achieve more to obtain success.
Future: We must fix the mistakes of the past to better the future.
Change: America has faced many changes in the past but our willingness to accept change is what makes us strong.
Sacrifice: America must sacrifice in order to be great.
Deficit: America must solve the deficit problem.
China: China has surpassed us in the realms of education and technology.
Innovation: With innovation on our side, America will surpass the nations that are ahead of us.
Imagination: America's future relies on the imagination of it's youth.
Edison: America needs more people like Edison.
Facebook: Facebook has become a network to connect friends and ideas.
Internet: The internet symbolizes the innovation of America.
Sputnik: This is our Sputnik Age.
Budgets: Obama has set budgets for the government to insure that they don't over spend.
Energy: One of the main focuses of America is clean engery.
Reinvent: America is reinventing itself after an economic downfall.
Money: Although Oboma didn't mention the word 'money', the entire speech did revolve around it, in a sense.
Youth: The children of America are going to be the leaders ofthe future so we must give them good educaton.
Diploma: Obama stressed how important it is to have a high school diploma.
Teachers: Without teachers, we would not have many, if not all, of the great people that help build America.
Congress: Congress' effort in sitting together at the State of the Union Address show who they are ready for change.
College: It was stressed through out the speech that college is very important.
Success: America must grow as a Nation in order to have success.
Immigration: Obama wants to stop illegal immigration completely, but almost sympathized with the hard working children of immigrants.
Better: America may be getting better, but it can always be better.
Taxes: Obama constantly went back to the topic of taxes through out the speech.
Debt: America is in quite a bit of debt, but we are working hard to get out of it.
Health Care: Health Care is a big issue in America and Obama pointed this out in a humorous manner.
Fix: Not only did Obama talk about fixing the economy, but he also talked about fixing many other things.
Freeze: Obama froze domestic spending in order to help America get out of debt.
Spending: The government is spending more than it should.
Democrats/ Republicans: Although these were two different words, I feel they should be discussed together. Throughout the speech, Obama talked about how they must work together.
Investments: America must invest in the youth in order to have a better future.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Sex offender arrested after reading to students at elementary school
This article pretty much talks about how a 56 year old retired Army major was reading to a group of kids at a "heroes day" event in honor of Veteran's Day. This man was registered as a sex offender in 2000. I think this is really sad. This guy did something stupid 11 years ago, did his time, and now he cant even read to children, with other adults present, at a "heroes day" in honor for people like himself? He didnt do anything wrong at the event, and he was arrested for it. I dont know, maybe i misread the article, but that doesnt seem too right.
This article pretty much talks about how a 56 year old retired Army major was reading to a group of kids at a "heroes day" event in honor of Veteran's Day. This man was registered as a sex offender in 2000. I think this is really sad. This guy did something stupid 11 years ago, did his time, and now he cant even read to children, with other adults present, at a "heroes day" in honor for people like himself? He didnt do anything wrong at the event, and he was arrested for it. I dont know, maybe i misread the article, but that doesnt seem too right.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Health Care Discussion Reflection
Health care is a very confusing topic for me. It seems that no matter what we decide to do, we will still end up pissing someone off. I personally feel that we should have universal health care, just because I feel that there are more people who would put it to good use than people who wouldn't. But I can't help but think about all those people who don't even bother to keep themsleves healthy; why should they deserve free health care? But then I think about all those poor families that are busting their butts to stay alive, they do deserve to have health care.
The big question is "how are we going to pay for universal health care?" I just figured that it would come out of our taxes, but there are quite a few people who would not be happy with that, and they have a point. Why should we have to pay more for other people? Especially those who don't eve care for universal health care? It seems like if we spent less money on thinks like prisons, we would have a lot left to put toward universal health care. Why to criminals deserve to have everything they have when good, innocent Americans can't even afford health care?!
Like I said, I am very confused about this whole universal health care reform, and i know i don't know everything about the reform, but i do feel that we should have universal health care.
The big question is "how are we going to pay for universal health care?" I just figured that it would come out of our taxes, but there are quite a few people who would not be happy with that, and they have a point. Why should we have to pay more for other people? Especially those who don't eve care for universal health care? It seems like if we spent less money on thinks like prisons, we would have a lot left to put toward universal health care. Why to criminals deserve to have everything they have when good, innocent Americans can't even afford health care?!
Like I said, I am very confused about this whole universal health care reform, and i know i don't know everything about the reform, but i do feel that we should have universal health care.
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